Thursday, January 10, 2008

The stream of consciousness email

The stream on consciousness email is a dangerous email at the best of times. However when attempted at 3am in the morning after a couple of beers it is most certainly a recipe for disaster. Imagine the situation where you have an irrational emotional gripe with a good friend, perhaps formerly good friend, and proceed to write an email that starts out as a simple innocuous reply . Almost without warning, the email turns into a presumptuous, rude and obnoxious personal attack and hurtful thoughts that should never have been allowed to form, are typed and sent. You didn't set out with the intention to be incredibly hurtful, but you write with all the reckless indifference of someone who no longer cares about the expected consequences of their actions.

Receiving a reply to my email entitled 'Wrath' I promptly archived the email with the intention of reading it as soon as I should be brave, stupid or drunk enough to endure the verbal lashing that will surely ensue. Or perhaps to be read in several years time when I stumble across it accidentally. Which ever happens sooner. It is difficult to write an apology email when you can't bring yourself to read the reply.

It could be worse. I do have many other friends. But I did like this one in particular.

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